
Episode 16: Cracks

I hate that when I fight with my kids or my husband, we hurt each other and that, often, there is still debris around from the last hurricane before we work through the next one. I hate that, in the midst of an argument, I can feel it revving up and even sometimes do lots of healthy things to diffuse it but we so often end up in the same place, feeling terrible and surveying the detritus around us. I want to move beyond this. I firmly believe in the “slow work of God”, as de Chardin calls it, and I trust the ideas of growth mindset, that I am growing and improving little by little and I just can’t do this YET. But I just want YET to be NOW.

For reflection:

What cracks in yourself do you hide away from the people you love?
Do you notice yourself self-protecting in ways that hurt others, especially those you love most?
Think of one of your dearest loved ones. What would happen if you let that person see your cracks more clearly, without you protecting your weak spots? What might happen in that relationship, at first and over time?
How might you invite God into this?


How Many Loaves Have You?

But here’s what happened next. Jesus took what they had, their five loaves and two fish, their measly offering for thousands of people, and he made it enough. Jesus could’ve done it all on his own, without the apostles, without the gifts they had to offer. But more and more I see that the New Testament is full of stories of Jesus exhorting us to use our gifts, even though he knows they are not enough. Even though he knows we cannot love enough. Or spend enough time. Or have enough energy. Or ever work or play or live or love enough. But somehow, it matters that we offer what we have, the little that we have.

The Psychology of Blessings

Count your blessings, even–especially–when things are hard.
Notice the good things around you, regardless of circumstances. It is possible to have joy, and cultivate it, in all circumstances. My story and a practical spirituality exercise to help you live in gratitude, steeped in joy, regardless of what’s going on around you. This practice helped me out of depression, helps my kids and family love our life, has been researched by psychologists, and has been an exhortation in all the world’s major religions for thousands of years.

Something we might all want to check out. 🙂


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There Is No Try? Episode 12

But I lost that race. I came dead last. Only the top two progressed to the next regional qualifier, so I was out. I remember walking out of the stadium and taking my Hershey’s track meet T-shirt and throwing it in the garbage can. I remember my mom taking it back out and walking behind me, letting me cry out my tears of frustration. In that moment, I didn’t see that as a failure I could learn from; I saw myself as a failure who could not learn.
I saw only perfection as acceptable and nothing less as even passing.

Pressure: Episode 11

From my childhood, I started to feel and rise to the pressure of being top in everything, and that grew in me through high school, into college, and into adulthood. It has affected every part of my life, from my work to my motherhood to my friendships to my relationship with my husband and my relationship with my body. It is everywhere and I have lived my life always under the influence of it.

Episode 10: Goals

This is worth practicing, because there are a lot of things in the world that seek to throw us off, to make it hard to hear our own voice. So today, take some time to listen. To listen deep in your soul, and to notice: what is important to you? What is lifegiving to you? What is growing you? And also: What is distracting to you? What is dragging you down? What is life-draining to you?

Episode 9: Interrupted

Seek genuineness; try to live my best, most authentic self. But how do I find my real self amid all the interruptions in life? My deepest desire is to live as authentically as possible, yet the distractions of daily life threaten to throw me off track…until I realize and accept that the distractions are perhaps the point, are perhaps the means to deepening me into my most authentic self.

Episode 7: Behind the Scenes

I want to learn this. I need to learn how to live fulfilled without being on top. I need to learn how to be calm and confident in myself in a way that is not enslaved to either pride or shame… Which are really the same thing anyway. I need to learn from Joseph.