Evaluating Your Goals

* I have this as a guided reflection process in my podcast, “As Real As Possible”, which you can also find right here on my website.  The activity which happens in this exercise is outlined in this written blog; however, there are lots of things that happen that are not activity, so if you would like the full Practical Spirituality exercise, please read this in conjunction with listening to the podcast, “Evaluating Your Goals.”  


Honestly, listening and going through the guided reflection in the podcast while also having these steps in written form is the ideal way to engage this exercise.  It will help you get the most out of it.  


You will need your list of goals (please start by writing that; my blog/podcast “Goals” guides you through that process), your journal, a writing utensil, and maybe a Christ candle (which is any candle that you like).


God be with you in this process.  Peace and love and insight to you. ♥️


Goal evaluation process

  1. Guiding question for this exercise:  Ask yourself:
    • Where do I sense hope, encouragement, positivity, and growth in my life?
    • Looking back over the last month, do I notice the goals I have set bringing life and goodness into the world?
    • If I do notice such goodness, how can I continue to give those things time and space for God to grow them in me?
  1. Go through your list of goals, checking for validity.  Do they still ring true to you?  Anything to add or subtract?  Anything to edit?  Ask God to show you what you need to see; invite God into this discernment.
  1. Turn your attention to the goal on your list that seems most important right now.  How is that goal going?  Is it lifegiving in your life?  How is it affecting your relationships with yourself, others, and God?  What habits have you built that are lifegiving, surrounding this goal?  Have you built habits that are life-draining, surrounding this goal?  Notice where you are at and adjust course as needed, without beating yourself up, which hinders growth.
  1.  Repeat step 3 for each of your goals, in turn.  Do not rush.  Live the Magis in this.

Reflection songs to listen to while writing on these:

Please get in touch with me if you would like a free coaching session, to see if we would be a good fit to work together as you get into the deep stuff in your life.





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